Ride-sharing sounded like a great alternative to traditional yellow cabs from the moment they were first announced to the public. However, there’s a reason cab companies like Lyft watch their drivers, as Uber learned in 2017 when it had to settle a class-action sexual harassment suit.
Thankfully, since then, they’ve tightened up their background checks. So how to do a background check for Uber?
To do Uber’s background check, you have to consent to it and provide the necessary identification. During the application process, you will get an email that links to the process and lets you enter in the required information. From there, Uber will check your status with the National Crime Check. If you are clear, there should be no problems.

This blog will tell you how the background check for Uber works as well as give you some tips on how to get hired honestly. Whether you’re driving clients to the airport or working for Uber in a country like Jamaica, the company always emphasizes rider safety above all else.
How To Do Background Check For Uber
If you’re at all concerned about how to do a background check for Uber, it helps to think of it like any other job application. You typically have to state any criminal past you may have. Driving for Uber is no different. It’s important, though, to know what goes into a background check.
There are two portions to the background check. The first is an MVD (Motor Vehicle Department) report and the second is a criminal check. The MVD report is simple; to pass it, all one needs is a driver’s license and at least one year of experience behind the wheel.
Drivers who are under 23 will need a little more experience; they will need to document no less than three years of driving experience. Obviously, if your license is suspended, your application will not be considered.
The criminal background check adheres to both local and federal laws. Some convictions automatically preclude you from being hired such as:
- Murder
- Sexual offenses
- Terrorism
- Violent Crimes
Who Gets a Background Check?
It doesn’t matter if you work for Uber, Uber Eats or one of their more professional classes of vehicles, all drivers undergo a background check.
Especially after the unpleasantness, Uber only wants to ensure it hires a better class of driver.
It’s also beneficial for the driver. If you have a criminal history that you’re unaware of or your identity has been mistaken for someone else, it’s a good chance for you to clear up any confusion with creditors and, more importantly, the law.
Who Performs Background Checks For Uber?
Uber uses a third party to perform their background checks called Checkr. This might cause some concern for drivers who worry about too many people having access to their private information, however Checkr is accredited by the Professional Background Screening Association.
Checkr follows all industry standards and takes some measures to keep your data protected, including firewalls, data encryption and Secure Socket Layers.
Checkr will run background checks on currently employed drivers once a year, though it can happen more often in certain cities. They can also be sparked by a complaint from a customer. If your background changes, Uber will disallow you access from their app.
Preparing For The Results
While you may not be able to change your past driving record or criminal history, there are some things you can do in preparation.
Driving History
You will need:
- A driver’s license (active and without any disqualifiers)
- Driving experience (one year, unless you’re under 23 years of age. Drivers under 23 require 3 years)
- No major violations
- No recent history of several minor violations.
As you can see, there’s no way to lie or get around the information they’re requiring. The best you can do is to keep a clear driving record and always try to be safe on the road during your application. The last thing you’d want is to have a major violation while the background check is happening.
Criminal History
Some crimes, as mentioned,will disallow you from applying immediately. Things such as terrorism, violent crimes or anything of a sexual nature are major red flags for Uber. Again, it’s best not to bother even applying if you have been convicted or have charges pending.
Checkr looks back at your criminal and driving history as far as seven years, the same length as the information that stays on a credit report. In Los Angeles and the rest of California, however, legislation recently passed that allows them to go back as far as you’ve had a license.
If you have anything in your background mentioned here or other issues you might be concerned about, driving for Uber might not be the right match for you. Other rideshare companies are likely not going to employ you either.